Sculpture at Brighton Dome
Past Event

Double bill: Sculpture / Alex Smoke & Florence To

Tue 25 Aug 2015


Sculpture is an opto-musical agglomerate made up of Dan Hayhurst (music), and Reuben Sutherland (animation). Their first test hit upon a psychedelic palette, the sensorial intricacies of which they continue to explore. Performance is central to their work, and feeds back into all aspects of the process. Sculpture’s output includes music, film and video work, and multi-sensory live shows.

Their performances are an amalgam of electronic music, kinetic art, comic strips, abstract animation, audiovisual cut-ups – a mix of analog and digital practices – tape manipulation, samples, found sounds, aleatoric and algorithmic programming and live improvisation. Dan plays media devices and electronic instruments. Reuben plays video zoetrope turntable.

Find out more on our blog postAlex Smoke
With visuals by Florence To

A new breed of electronic music producer, blurring the boundaries between Electronica, Techno, Classical and Hip Hop. Alex Smoke’s music evolves in new directions with every project he undertakes regardless of genre, both on the dancefloor and with his renowned live sets. This is none more so prevalent than with his latest audio visual project ‘Wraetlic’, working with shorter song structures and placing his contorted vocals at the forefront of his tactful production.

Find out more on our blog post

Alex Smoke | Audio Visual Show 2015 from Florence To on Vimeo.