#GOGGLEDANCE Brighton & Hove
Past Event


Wed 17 Mar 2021

Brighton & Hove residents are being invited to take part in #GOGGLEDANCE, a live community dance project from Brighton Dome and VOXED. 

A combination of TV show Gogglebox and digital app TikTok, #GOGGLEDANCE features live professional dance performances outside selected participant’s homes across the city.

Residents are filmed watching a dance routine, responding to quick fire questions, practising their moves and interacting with the professional dancer. The footage is then brought together in a reality TV style mini-series of short films that will be released on social media by Brighton Dome and VOXED.

Live performances will take place on Saturday 3 April with films released on Brighton Dome and VOXED social media channels. The full mini-series will also be made available on VOXED’s YouTube channel.

Willing applicants should apply by Friday 19 March by emailing [javascript protected email address] with the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact number
  • How many people in your household would take part
  • Location
  • A picture of the area outside your home if possible

Expect comedy, some amazing dance moves and lots of laughs as Brighton Dome and VOXED reveal the creative talents of Brighton & Hove – watch this space!