Past Event

Source New Music Seminar: PRS with Andy Ellis

Fri 2 Aug 2013

Following on from the success of the event earlier this year, we are pleased to bring you another Source New Music Seminar. We scoured your feedback and saw that a Seminar covering the subject of PRS (Performing Rights Society) was something many were crying out for. So we've teamed with PRS to bring you an informal, but vitally informative event, with guest speaker Andy Ellis - Education and Outreach Manager at PRS for Music.

Basically – by joining PRS you could be earning money from your songs! You do not need to have a signed contract with a music publisher or record company to join. It is a very valuable thing to be part of so we recommend finding out more by coming along to the seminar. 

Refreshments will be served, and the event will finish by 9pm

Entry is totally free! Please RSVP to [javascript protected email address] with "Seminar RSVP" in the subject line so we have an idea of numbers.