Schools and Colleges
Find out how we can work with your school or college

Visiting with your school
We regularly programme special performances of many of our theatre and dance shows for school and college groups. Special ticket prices are often available, with teachers receiving 1 free ticket for every 10 students.
Find out more
For information about transport and a risk assessment for your visit, please contact Visitor Services.
Look out for regular workshops in drama, dance, music and creative writing delivered by both our teams of artists and by visiting companies. If you would like to book a particular workshop, get in touch and we'll do our best to find the right workshop leader for you.
Get in touch
Contact Alex Epps to find out more about a workshop, or book your place on a workshop.
Creative consultancy
We're always keen to hear from teachers with ideas for creative learning projects. With access to professionals working in the fields of drama, dance, classical and contemporary music, visual arts and outdoor events, we can put you in touch with the right artists.
Get in touch
We'll put you in touch with the right artist.