Black belts at the ready for Boy Blue’s ambitious new dance performance: The Five and the Prophecy of Prana

Summer may be over, but things are hotting up this autumn at Brighton Dome with jaw-dropping, hip-hop spectacular The Five & the Prophecy of Prana, from award winning dance company Boy Blue Entertainment. One of their many incredible talents is their ability to bring together gifted teams and create explosive performance entertainment and they've done just that with The Five, which fuses together hip-hop and martial arts inspired by Manga. It’s safe to say, we’re chuffed to be able to showcase this! Watch the trailer and see why we’re so excited...

About The Five & the Prophecy of Prana 

Set in Tokyo, The Five is about a group of young law-breakers who are sent to a rehabilitation camp to receive special training instead of going to jail for their crimes. The offenders are put through their paces under a strict regimen taught to them by Wang Tang, who unknowingly to them is a Guardian of Prana. The Guardians first came about in ancient times when an evil Emperor had used his sorcery to harness the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water in order to rule the world. It was not until a group of secret warriors (known as the Guardians of Prana) devised a way to split his soul into five parts that they could defeat him. Wang attempts to teach the five law-breakers the martial art of Pih Poh Fu, training them into warriors, whose duty it will be to keep the Emperor’s soul out of evil hands. The group initially refuse to take Wang seriously and show little hope of becoming successful warriors. In time the group learn discipline and become humbled by their new found skills. After two years of training the five graduate and are able to leave the camp. Now they must fight to protect the Emperor’s soul from a rebellious Guardian who threatens to rejoin the pieces back together and take over the world… 

To find out what happens and get your kick out of this epic adventure join us Tue 7 & Wed 8 Oct at 7.30pm. More on Blue Boy’s epic moves and story in this video...