Royal stables

Architects appointed for first phase of vision for Royal Pavilion Estate


Award-winning architects Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios (FCB Studios) have been appointed to remodel and revitalise the Grade 1 listed Brighton Dome Corn Exchange and Grade 2 listed Studio Theatre as part of the first phase of the wider vision for the Royal Pavilion Estate.

The scheme will allow the refurbishment of the nationally-important Corn Exchange in which, alongside essential conservation work, breath-taking and hitherto hidden heritage spaces will be restored for public viewing, and will provide a brand new foyer space, a new café to animate New Road, and major improvements to the Studio Theatre.

Brighton Dome has played many roles throughout its 200-year history, including a stable block, a temporary hospital and a roller rink. The  redevelopment project will conserve the unique character of the original 1806 interior while remodeling will create greater flexibility in terms of layout, seating and infrastructure.

This multi-layered project aims to re-affirm Brighton’s Royal Pavilion Estate – which combines an historic Royal Palace and regency garden, a museum, art gallery and three performing arts spaces - as a key cultural destination by equipping it for a sustainable future. The longer term vision aims to reunite the historic Estate created by George IV in the early 19th century to create a centre for heritage, culture and the performing arts which reflects the unique spirit of Brighton.

The project will be delivered by two of the UK’s leading cultural and heritage organisations, Royal Pavilion & Museums and Brighton Dome & Festival which manage and cares for the Royal Pavilion Estate owned by Brighton & Hove City Council.

Nick Hibberd, Head of City Regeneration, Brighton & Hove City Council said: “This is a very exciting project and it is integral to the future success of our city. Appointing the architects for the project signals the start of the first phase ahead of the longer term plans.”

Andrew Comben, Chief Executive of Brighton Dome& Brighton Festival said: "This work - the first phase of an over-arching culture-led development plan for the Royal Pavilion Estate and its surrounding areas - will allow Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival to continue to provide unique arts-led opportunities, benefits and experiences to local communities, tourists and visitors, and - at the same time - contribute to making the city and the county we live in a world-class destination for people everywhere.”

Peter Clegg, Founding Partner at FCB Studios said “Having completed the initial development designs for this project we are delighted to be appointed to take Phase One of the project through to completion. Following the successful funding bids to the Arts Council and Heritage Lottery fund we will be helping to ensure the money will be put to good use to make a dramatic improvement to the historic buildings which provide a really dynamic cultural offer for the city and its region”

To find out more about FCB Studios and their designs for reawakening the Royal Pavilion Estate visit their website.