Browntown Abbey

Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival seek a local artist to create work celebrating Brighton & Hove Pride 2019


Are you a local visual artist?

To celebrate Brighton and Hove Pride 2019, Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival will be commissioning a local artist to produce an original piece of work to be displayed on the outdoor wooden panels running along New Road.

The piece would be approximately 12 feet wide by 7 feet high, although this is very flexible depending on the style of the artwork.

£425 will be paid to the chosen artist, which will need to cover all necessary materials for the work.

Applications are open until 9am on 3 July, then three artists will be shortlisted to submit a proposal. On 11 July, the successful artist will be announced and work on the commission can begin on 18 July. The work will be displayed from 25 July–10 August.

We encourage and welcome applications from all backgrounds and all parts of the community, particularly people from ethnic minorities who are currently under-represented. For this project in particular, we especially welcome artists from the LGBTQIA+ community.

If you’re interested in applying, please email [javascript protected email address] with the following information:

• Your name

• Contact phone number

• Link to your portfolio or examples of previous work

• A little bit about you, the type of work you like to create and what inspires you

We will be in touch afterwards to confirm we have received your application. We look forward to seeing your work.