caravan seeks proposals for 2014 programme
England-based theatre and performance artists and companies sought for international showcase as part of Brighton Festival 2014
caravan - the biannual, three-day curated programme of site specific, interactive and incidental performance - presents a programme of the best new English performance to a selection of international and national promoters, festival organisers and presenters as part of the Brighton Festival.
Its ambition is to create the conditions for England’s theatre makers to develop international collaborations, tours and exchanges. In previous years companies have secured new commissions, toured to every part of the world and built new international partnerships.
Great theatre and performance is at the heart of what we do at Brighton Festival and Brighton Dome, so we’re especially proud to host caravan during Brighton Festival, showcasing the best work from across England.
Andrew Comben, Chief Executive of Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival and co-director of caravan
Companies/artists that are selected will also receive one-to-one mentoring in the lead up to the showcase to ensure that they can make the most of any opportunities that arise as a result of their participation in the caravan 2014 showcase.
Interested artists and companies should visit www.caravanshowcase.org.uk to download a submission form.
The deadline for submissions is 10am on Thu 17 Oct 2013.