Template News Item

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Contemporary Music

Story Lead. The introductory paragraph of the article, that summarises the content/ the main ideas of the article and entices the reader to engage with the full story. Do not ‘bury the lead’ - the lead attracts the attention of the audience, extends the narrative begun by the title to reinforce whether the content is of interest to the target audience. Leads typically contain a summary of the who, what, why, when, where and how of the story/ article/ news item. Keep the lead short in comparison to the page content. Should also be larger in font size than the body copy.

Body copy for the story. Look to create a strong narrative structure that provides more detail around the facts covered in the lead. Ensure that the copy is divided into clear paragraphs, subtitled if necessary, with each paragraph containing a clear theme to help Users to read the content of the article clearly thus improving engagement with it.

Use white space between paragraphs to aid readability.>


<Instead of pasting a full article into the body of the template, look to break up the news article with Media Blocks (videos and images), Masonry Block (images), Text and Image Block, Testimonial Blocks, Text Blocks> 


<TAGS - make sure that you are tagging up your News Articles Correctly. You can find the tags: Tag Builder: ->News Categories , you should try and use at least one per category to make the news article,