Brighton Dome Café-bar

Vincent Dance Theatre: FREE Creative Workshop for young people and adults

Internationally acclaimed performance company Vincent Dance Theatre is running a FREE Creative Workshop for young people and adults 12-4pm Sunday 20th March 2016 at Brighton Dome.

The workshops creatively investigate everyday sexism and digital culture, gathering stories from young people (14+) and adults for VDT’s new production, Virgin Territory (touring November 2016).

Virgin Territory investigates the over-sexualisation of mainstream media and the challenges this presents to young people today as they forge their own identities in an image complex world. The Creative Workshops are designed to raise difficult questions about the ways young people see themselves in contemporary culture and offer hopeful ways forward, through a range of tasks, such as communal clay sculpture, dissecting magazines and newspapers, making t-shirt slogans and discussion. The stories, voices and materials generated through these workshops will anonymously feed into the making of Virgin Territory.

You can find more about the sessions here (duration: 2m36s) and on our website

The session will run 12noon – 4pm as an open drop-in session - the structure is loose so you can come and go as you please, choosing which tasks in the room you wish to do working alone, in pairs or small groups. Theres no need to book, you can just turn up on the day and its FREE!