Privacy Policy
Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival (Brighton Dome and Festival Ltd – BDBF) is committed to protecting your privacy and conforms to the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, and from May 25th 2018, the General Data Protection regulation (GDPR) 2018. The personal information that you enter on the website will be held securely and will not be used for any other purpose than for us to contact you about Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival activities, unless you’ve given us permission to send you information from the arts organisations, company or promotor you are booking to see.
Who are We
Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival, is a national arts organisation and is a registered charity in England and Wales. We are the south coast’s premier multi-arts venue and present and produce over 600 events each year. In addition to the year-round programme, each May we produce England’s leading mixed-arts celebration and internationally acclaimed Brighton Festival. We also manage the Brighton & Hove Music and Arts service, providing music education for young people across our city.
- Registered trading name of Brighton Dome and Festival Limited
- Registered charity number 249648
- Registered office 12a Pavilion Buildings, Castle Square, Brighton BN1 1EE
- VAT number 730203001
- Contact us at dataprotection@brightondome.org or by phone on 01273 700747
What information do we collect?
The personal information that we collect includes:
- name, title, date of birth and gender
- contact details including postal address, email, phone numbers and links to social media accounts
- transaction history (we store encrypted credit card details and use the last four digits to help us identify transactions)
- Bank details for direct debit instructions (fully encrypted in our CRM database)
- access requirements (for example if you require wheelchair access, audio description, BSL interpretation, or any other access requirement) and whether you have a disability defined by the Equality Act 2010
- details of visits to our website including traffic data, location data, operating system, browser usage, and the resources that you access
- image and likeness (as captured on our CCTV cameras and in photographs and videos we use for promotional purposes)
- other background personal information and sensitive data you provide to us (for example when you apply for a job, take part in an educational project, provide a reason for making a donation or correspond with us).
- Unique pupil numbers (UPN) for student participants in Music and Arts activities
- we may also collect information about race, ethnicity and sexual orientation (you have the right to decline to provide us with this information)
How do we collect your information?
We collect your information when:
- You create an account on our websites www.brightondome.org and www.brightonfestival.org which allows you to purchase tickets, join as a member, make a donation, sign up to our mailings, update your communication preferences.
- You interact with us in person to purchase tickets, join as a member, join as a supporter, make a donation, attend a free or fundraising event, take part in a workshop, make and enquiry, sign up to our mailing list, give us your access and/or dietary requirements or provide feedback.
- You visit our our daytime foyer café or attend an event and are required to check in for NHS Test and Trace
- You contact us by phone or by post to purchase tickets, join as a member, join as a supporter, make a donation, attend a free or fundraising event, take part in a workshop, make an enquiry, sign up to our mailing list, give us your access and/or dietary requirements, or to provide feedback.
- You email us with any information relevant to your booking, fundraising or conferencing event, including: Access Requirement, Dietary requirements, Providing feedback
- You visit our websites: through your I.P address given to us by your browser & through Cookies
- You purchase tickets to our shows via a third party
- You reply to a survey we have sent and choose to supply your personal data.
- You communicate with us via Social media
- You appear on footage via CCTV in our venues. We use CCTV recording equipment in and around our venues for monitoring and security purposes in line with CCTV guidelines and licensing.
- You appear on filming and photography in our public spaces. We will always display notices when filming or taking photographs and where possible give individuals the option to not be captured
We may collect any of this information from a person working on your behalf with your consent such as a personal assistant.
Track and Trace due to Covid 19 procedures. See more info here
Third parties organisations
We may also obtain your data from third parties such as organisations with which we enter into a co-production, schools provisions of UPN’s for monitoring Music and Arts participation or from independent fundraising sites like JustGiving, VirginMoneyGiving or Hubbub if you make a donation to BDBF. You should check their privacy policy when you provide your information to understand fully how they will process and safeguard your data.
Social Media
We use social media to broadcast messages and updates about events and news. On occasion we may reply to comments or questions you make to us on social media platforms. You may also see adverts from us on social media that are tailored to your interests.
Depending on your settings or the privacy policies for social media and messaging services like Facebook or Twitter, you might give us permission to access information from those accounts or services.
Publicly available information
For a small number of our audience where we want to better understand engagement with Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival and potential interest in supporting us further, we may collect information such as job history, political preferences, and philanthropic activities from places such as Companies House and other business related resources, the internet or information that has been published in articles/newspapers.
How do we keep your data secure
BDBF is committed to protecting the personal information you entrust to us. Your personal data will be held and processed on BDBFs systems or systems managed by suppliers on behalf of BDBF to hold a record of your interactions with BDBF. These interactions include ticket purchases, donations, memberships, queries, complaints, correspondence and attendance at special events.
BDBF also conducts regular data hygiene processes which kees the personal data we hold clean, up-to-date, and free of duplication. We aim to keep a single record for each customer.
Access to personal information is strictly controlled and can only be accessed by staff who need it to do their job. Sensitive data is additionally controlled and only made available to those who have a reason to work with it.
Who do we share your data with
We may need to disclose your details:
- if we run an event in partnership with another named organisation so that they can help us run the event
- in order to comply with any legal obligation to do so. This includes the police and other crime protection and detection agencies or regulatory bodies including NHS Test and Trace for Covid 19
- to our legal advisors to assist with dispute resolution and contract queries
- for the purposes of regulatory or inspection compliance, for example to the Charity Commission
- to funding bodies, particularly Arts Council England, who may use anonymised personal information to analyse our audience development programmes, ticket sales and self-generated funding to understand the impact of the public investment made in BDBF
- Data processing services acting in an accordance with our instructions, and subject to confidentiality obligations
We do not sell personal details to third parties for any purpose nor will we share your personal data with any other organisations or promoters unless we have your explicit consent to do so. These third party organisations will be named at the point of data collection and your provision of consent to receive information from them.
We use a number of data processors in order to help us provide the services you request. These organisations are obligated to act on our instruction in relation to their use of your personal data and do not have any control over your data in their own right. We make sure anyone who provides a service for BDBF enters into an agreement with us and meets our standards for data security. They will not use your data for anything other than the clearly defined purpose relating to the service that they are providing.
Why we collect your data, how we use it and our basis for processing your personal information
We aim to be clear when we collect your data and not to do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect. The main way we use your information is to provide the services you’ve requested. We may process your personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a contract, for example:
- Sending out a ticket to your address if you’ve made a ticket purchase
- Teachers contacting parents to provide lesson times
- Reminders, updates and feedback requests when you sign up to an event or make a donation
- To invite you to events as part of your membership or sponsorship benefits
- To process payments assist us with internal administration
- To enable recruitment and employment processes
- To provide the best possible customer service
We have legal obligation for building and venue security and so use CCTV recording equipment in and around our premises
We may also process your data where we have a legitimate interest to do so for example:
- To Learn about your interests and preferences so that we can contact you with information that is relevant to you ie future events and educational development opportunties.
- To help us target our marketing and development communications and adverts so that they’re more relevant to you and to give you an exceptional experience
- To better understand your reasons for donating to us.
- To carry out screening on potential donors and to conduct due diligence on major donors (please also see the section below on Research, Profiling and ‘Wealth Screening’)
- To analyse how you use our services (including our websites) to help us better understand our audiences and customer base and to improve our processes.
- We also use films, photographs and audio for promotional purposes on our websites, social media accounts and other formats where it would not be necessary, appropriate or practicable to obtain your specific consent.
- To participate in research and data analysis as required by the Arts Council England for example Audience Finder. This allows us to understand our audience in a local and national context and helps us to identify new audience opportunities.
- To enable us to fundraise effectively because we are a charity
We may also process your personal data (including sensitive personal data) where:
- it is necessary for medical purposes (for example, in a medical emergency)
- it is necessary to protect your or another person’s vital interests
- we have your consent to do so for example photography consent as part of creative learning and Music and Arts project participation including parental consent for all participants up to 18 years.
- we will ask for your consent to provide you with information about products and services and fundraising activities which may be of interest to you (apart from where it is appropriate for us to rely on our legitimate interests to do so).
If you have opted out of marketing communications, we may still get in touch with you. For example as mentioned above we may email you to give you important information about the events you’ve booked or to tell you about any changes.
BDBF as a charity and how we respect our donors
BDBF relies on charitable support to maintain our artistic, heritage and community work and to make this available to everyone.
You can receive information about supporting BDBF by contacting our Development team by email, over the phone or in person. We will tell you about our current campaigns that we think are most relevant to you, ways that you can make a real difference to our creative learning and community programmes, and invitations to events where you and your family can get closer to our artistic programme by joining one of our supporters schemes.
We invite some people who might be interested in joining one of our supporter schemes to special events eg. drinks receptions or rehearsals or to tell you about extra benefits including priority booking. Guests we invite might include current supporters, Members, people who have given donations in the past, audiences who attend concerts and events regularly, audiences who have identified specific programme interest, friends of current supporters, our Board and staff.
We invite a select number of guests to our events as places are limited but host several events a year to meet as many of our supporters as possible. If you haven’t had an invitation but would like to attend, you can get in touch with the team. Email us at development@brightondome.org
Research, profiling and ‘wealth screening’
Our donors tell us that tailored and relevant communication is a priority for them and we constantly review this and listen to you to make sure we are getting this right.
We want to ensure our communications to our supporters are personal, relevant and timely and we want to give you an enhanced experience when you attend events by introducing you to artists or members of staff that we think you might enjoy meeting. To ensure that our communications are relevant to you and your interests and to assess your likely ability to make, and interest in making, donations to BDBF, we may use additional information such as geographical information and measures of affluence where available from external sources to assist us. This will be a combination of publicly-available information, for example drawn from company resources and news media, with what you have provided to us, such as past donations and career information. We may use the services of external screening/profiling companies, and publicly available data from social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, depending on your privacy settings and/or interaction with us.
BDBF may hold personal data that has been created by us from other personal data that we already hold about you, either from internal or external research/profiling. This may be carried out by automated or manual processes, and enables us to better understand you as our supporter and make appropriate requests for support. A list of publicly available sources of information used by BDBF for the purposes detailed is available on request.
If you do not wish BDBF to undertake this activity, please email development@brightondome.org
Please note however that before seeking or accepting major donations we are required to conduct a minimum level of due diligence, including reviewing publicly available personal data. Due diligence is conducted in accordance with BDBF’s gift acceptance policy.
How long do we keep your information
We consider our relationship with audiences, donors and other stakeholders to be life-long. This means that we will maintain a stakeholder record for you until such time as you tell us that you no longer wish us to keep in touch. In this instance BDBF will delete the majority of your personal data we hold (except where we have a legal obligation to retain information),and will maintain basic personal data to ensure that we do not inadvertently create a new record in the future.
Employee records are maintained for 6 years after leaving the organisation and job application information will be held for up to one year for unsuccessful applications
Some information may also be retained indefinitely for historical, statistical or research purposes.
Your rights
Under the DPA and GDPR you have the following rights which can be exercised by contacting BDBF and submitting a subject access request:
- to obtain access to, and copies of, the personal data that we hold about you
- to require that we cease processing your personal data if the processing is causing you damage or distress
- to require us not to send you marketing communications
- to require us to correct the personal data we hold about you if it is incorrect
- to require us to erase your personal data
- to require us to restrict our data processing activities (and, where our processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on consent before its withdrawal)
- to receive from us the personal data we hold about you which you have provided to us, in a reasonable format specified by you, including for the purpose of you transmitting that personal data to another data controller
- to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to any of our particular processing activities where you feel this has a disproportionate impact on your rights
Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you or would like to submit a subject access request:
- Email us at dataprotection@brightondome.org
- Write to us at: Data Protection, Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival, The Dance Space, 2 Market St, Circus St, Brighton and Hove, BN2 9AS