Past Event

Public Service Broadcasting - Bright Magic Tour 2021

Wed 2 Jun 2021

(Previously on Public Service Broadcasting…)

PSB have been 'teaching the lessons of the past through the music of the future' for more than a decade now. 2013’s debut album Inform-Educate-Entertain used archival samples from the British Film Institute as audio-portals to the Battle Of Britain, the summit of Everest and beyond. Two years later, The Race For Space used similar methods to laud the superpowers’ rivalry and heroism in orbit and on the Moon. In 2017, joined by voices including Manic Street Preachers’ James Dean Bradfield, Every Valley was a moving exploration of community and memory via the rise and fall of the British coal industry. Pointedly topical in its analyses, it reached number four on the UK charts.

Now they have a new destination. Still with the core aim of achieving communion with times and places far removed, it is their most ambitious undertaking yet. With Bright Magic, prepare to arrive at Europe’s heart and de facto capital, the cultural and political metropolis that is the ‘Hauptstadt’ of the Federal Republic of Germany – Berlin. 

Expect a new ‘abstract expressionist’ inspired stage presentation, with their corduroy-suited suits re-rendered in brilliant white. Mach schau, PSB, mach schau!