Dance Scratch Night
An evening of contemporary dance work in progress by local artists and keep your finger on the cultural pulse. Brighton Dance Network is a grassroots voluntary network of local contemporary dance professionals who facilitate the Brighton dance scene through classes and events.
The evening will present an exciting mixed bill of professional dance works in progress and invites audience members to participate and give valuable feedback to artists about their work.
Scratch Night Programme Announced
Xanthe Wilson
Do we have relationships as a result of acting on genuine instinct? Or are we too focused on a relationship ‘ideal’, causing us to go through the notions of the relationship we think we ‘should’ be in?
Sidonie Carey-Green
‘Lagom; meaning balance, not too little, not too much.’
In this work-in-progress dancers explore what it means to find and lose stability both within our lives and our bodies. How much are we able to take risks, push beyond the norm and teeter in the unpredictable areas either side of perfect balance.
Jessica Miller
On / Off
RED: lust, sex, anger, danger
BLUE: peace, trust, loyalty, integrity
Movement, colour, emotion — what does some one see when all that was there has gone?
Ella Fleetwood
Avocado on toast, cankle insecurity, boomerang obsession - lets delve into life as a millennial. Transferring our performative online personas onto the performative stage setting. Bright, zesty and at times touchingly tender as we journey through confessions of a millennial.