Disabled + Disobedient | Workshop
A free afternoon workshop for deaf, disabled and neurodivergent creative people
'I've got an idea... now what?'
Join us for an informal workshop where you can bring your early-stage creative ideas to the table, problem-solve next steps, and plan routes forward to making them a reality.
Led by Kyla Booth-Lucking, Director of Programming & Participation at Brighton Dome, this friendly and empowering workshop aims to support deaf, disabled and neurodivergent creative people to find the next steps for their ideas/projects in a supportive group environment.
Please email abs.reeve@brightondome.org to book your free place. Capacity is limited, so booking is essential.
Join us in the evening for the Disabled + Disobedient cabaret hosted by Erin Enfys, headlined by Ebony Rose Dark, with performances from Joni-Rae Carrack, Sana El-Wakili and Rachel Mary.