A group of people are sat in the Brighton Dome Foyer. They have their hands in the air following someone
Heritage & Tours

Access Open Day

Sat 29 Mar 2025
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BSL Interpreted by Natasha Rankin and Georgia Wileman


All ages welcome

Visit our Access Information Hub to find out more about the facilities and assisted performances on offer at Brighton Dome. 

Our Visitor Services team will be on hand to answer questions and you'll also have the chance to go on a free tour and familiarise yourself with the layout of some of our venues.

You can also expect:

Badge Making

An opportunity to put your own design on a badge and wear it with pride


Hot and cold drinks and light refreshments will be served all day


Doors open at 11am.  Please enter through Door 3 on Church Street


There will be tours of the venue, including the Studio Theatre and Corn Exchange. Two of the tours will be BSL Interpreted.

There will be some places available on the day on a first-come-first-served basis. Please speak to a member of staff to book on the day.

Information Stands run by Brighton Dome staff

Find out more about our Access Scheme, as well as forthcoming shows and Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival. With special guests: award winning writer and performer Tommy (Current Dome In-House Artist) and writer/theatre maker Erin Enfys (Previous Dome In-House Artist and co-programmer behind the very first Disabled + Disobedient Festival at Brighton Dome).

Information Stands run by Brighton cultural organisations and Brighton & Hove Busses

Find out more about Access Schemes at other venues throughout Sussex as well as support with bus travel. Come and meet teams from Komedia, Brighton Open Air Theatre and more

People are working together to create a quilt-like structure out of LEGO bricks
Children & Family

Hands-on LEGO® Making WorkshopsOn Access Open Day…

The BRICK People

29 Mar 2025
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Audio Brochure Event Listing