Rob Auton with his eyes closed and arms out stretched wearing a Young Fathers t-shirt
Past Event

Rob Auton: The Eyes Open and Shut Show

Brighton Dome Comedy Festival 2024
Sat 26 Oct 2024

This is a show about eyes when they are open and eyes when they are shut.

Rob wanted to explore what he could do to himself and others with language when eyes are open and when they are shut.

After writing ten shows on specific themes, including the colour yellow in The Yellow Show, the sky in The Sky Show and himself in The Rob Auton Show, he's asking what makes him open his eyes and what makes him shut his eyes.

The show will involve the audience shutting their eyes and opening their eyes at specific points.


'A genuine original.' – Guardian

'The Mother Freaking Greatest' – James Acaster

'Very hilarious' – David Shrigley

'A genius' – Bridget Christie

'Makes laughter out of wonder. We need him.'  – Scotsman

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Comedy at Brighton Dome is supported by Mayo Wynne Baxter

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