Picture of a barefoot watersprite, with blue eyes, hair poking out under a red cap, clinging onto the blue fish it is riding on. In the darkness, 3 performers hold and operate the puppets, one is gently smiling. The watersprite is looking at a tall weed like fabric that is growing to their side
Credit Franz Kimmel
Children & Family

Stories of a Watersprite

Sophie Nüzel
Sun 29 Sep 2024
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Amongst drifting waterweed and ancient moss-covered rocks, a Watersprite awakens.

Down here the pond is teeming with life – newts and snails and little silver fish dart around, busy with their business. But strange things are starting to enter the pond. Things that crinkle and clatter and clutter up the pond. So much of it that there is no more space to swim and slither around.

Sophie Nüzel’s work for children and families is a gentle and multi-sensory dance and puppetry production. It invites young audiences to use their imagination and believe that regardless of how little they are they can still make a difference.

Pre-Show Activity

There will be a free 15–20 minute inclusive recycling-themed craft activity led by the performers in the Gallery Bar.

Supported by Landeshauptstadt Munich, Brighton Dome and Arts Council England.