Conductor Kensho Watanabe
Past Event
Classical Music

The Spirit of Beethoven

Mon 8 Apr 2019

Kensho Watanabe Conductor
Emmanuel Tjeknavorian Violin

Beethoven Overture, Leonore No. 3
Bethoven Violin Concerto
Beethoven Symphony No. 7

‘I am the new Bacchus, pressing out glorious wine for the human spirit’: Ludwig van Beethoven never sold himself short, but until you’ve heard his Seventh Symphony in full heart-pounding flight, you’ve never known just how intoxicating music can be. It’s the only possible way to crown a whole concert devoted to Beethoven’s multi-faceted genius; first, though, comes the mighty Leonore Overture – a soul-stirring cry for freedom – and the radiant serenity of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto, played by Emmanuel Tjeknavorian. One concert, many moods – but our inspirational young conductor Kensho Watanabe is master of them all.

Two concert bundle
Three concert bundle
Four concert bundle