Germaine Greer at International Women's Day at Brighton Dome
Past Event
Talks & Debate

Germaine Greer

Tue 6 Dec 2016

When Welsh women turned up at the RAF base at Greenham Common in 1981, they were carrying a banner that read ‘Women for Life on Earth’. Theirs was direct action, born of gut reaction, virtually innocent of theoretical framework.

Feminists can be found wherever the planet and our fellow earthlings are in trouble. They shepherd stranded cetaceans back into deeper water, stand in front of lorries carrying live animals to slaughter, march and lobby against the threat of fracking. The action they cannot be moved to take on their own behalf, they take on behalf of the planet. If the planet is to survive and human beings continue to inhabit it, this female energy must be unleashed.

Australian-born writer, and major voice of the second-wave feminist movement, Germaine Greer, discusses ecofeminism in this special event for International Women’s Day. Her ideas have created controversy ever since her first book, The Female Eunuch (1970) became an international best-seller, making her a household name.There will be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions and discuss some of the issues arising in a Q&A with Germaine Greer after the lecture

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