The Duke at Brighton Dome
Past Event

The Duke

Tue 6 Dec 2016

Please note that the performance on Fri 31 Mar will now start at 8.45pm, not 7.45pm as previously advertised. Your ticket will still be valid for the rescheduled performance. The performance lasts for approximately 60 minutes.

If you are unable to attend this rescheduled performance, please contact the Ticket Office urgently on 01273 709709 or email [javascript protected email address] to let us know. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

'In the autumn of 2015 I sit at my desk waiting for an email that will tell me what I need to do to the script to get it onto the screen. I turn the radio on. I listen to a report about the refugee crisis. My mother calls. She tells me she’s broken The Duke. My mother, my film script and the refugee crisis all need my attention.'

Shôn Dale-Jones, the multi-award winning writer/performer behind Hugh Hughes performs the Fringe First-winner, The Duke. 

Funny and poignant, this one-man show weaves together the tragi-comic fate of a family heirloom - a porcelain figure of The Duke of Wellington, the quandary of a scriptwriter stretching his integrity and an unfolding disaster as thousands of children flee their homes. Blending fantasy and reality, this playful show gently challenges our priorities in a world full of crisis.

Tickets are offered on a 'pay what you decide' basis, with all proceeds are donated to the Save the Children's Child Refugee Crisis appeal.

★★★★ The List

★★★★ What's On Stage

‘The Duke only mentions refugees three times in the entire hour, and yet does so in a way that draws the crisis closer to home, making it more personal and difficult to ignore’ The Guardian

British Sign Language interpreted performance

Fri 31 Mar, 7.45pm is a British Sign Language interpreted performance. BSL users will need to let us know at point of booking as we have specific reserved seats that give clear view to the interpreter. More about BSL interpreted performances here.