Past Event


Tue 29 Jul 2014

A Boeing 777 begins it descent towards Heathrow. The wheels unfold out of the belly of the plane. The frozen body of a stowaway is tipped out and cuts through the clear morning sky. In the car park of B&Q, Andy looks up. Something is falling out of the sky. A man crash-lands on the ground in front of him.

Stowaway is a story about a man from India who heads to the Middle East in the promise of riches and prosperity. Far from home and adrift from everything he knows, he finds himself in a Dubai labour camp with his passport and wages withheld. In an act of desperation, he hides in the wheel arch of a commercial airliner bound for the UK, in a bid to change his life.

The show follows an extraordinary journey in search of an impossible future. But what are the rules of telling someone’s story when they come from a world so different from our own? Stowaway is the brand new show from Analogue - two-time Fringe First winners and “bright young things of British Theatre” (Observer).