Past Event
Classical Music

Castalian Quartet

Thu 27 Jul 2017

Haydn String Quartet in E-flat major Op 76, ‘Erdödy’, No 6
Dutilleux Ainsi la nuit
Beethoven String Quartet No 15 in A minor, Op 132

Sini Simonen violin
Daniel Roberts violin
Charlotte Bonneton viola
Christopher Graves cello

In their first concert of two this season, the Castalian Quartet performs one of the last and most ambitious quartets Haydn wrote, the crowning achievement of ‘the father of the string quartet’. 

Alongside, Dutilleux’s Ainsi le nuit of 1977 has been called ‘one of the treasures of the 20th-century quartet repertoire’, striking for its freedom and fluidity. The concert culminates in Beethoven’s Op 132 quartet, the second of his peerless late quartets, and the darkest.

Free tickets for 8 - 25 year-olds

Young people aged 8 - 25 can get free tickets to this and other coffee concert events as part of the Cavatina scheme. More information

Season tickets

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Click here to purchase Half Season Tickets (3 concerts, Oct – Dec)
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