Luisa Omielan on a blue background

Take Five with Luisa Omielan

Comedy, News, Comedy

Luisa Omielanreturns to Brighton Dome this month with her new stand-up show Ten.

Luisa has been creating iconic, one-woman shows for ten years and was the first comedian to receive a BAFTA Breakthrough accolade for stand-up.

With a decade of cow impressions, thigh gaps and relationship boat analogies under her belt, she’s bringing together the highlights of her five star shows for a limited ‘Best Of’ tour.

We spoke to Luisa to learn more…

Your new show Ten celebrates ten years since your debut show – can you describe Ten in ten words?

Sexy, celebratory, rebellious, thoughtful, innovative, intelligent, ground-breaking, relevant…and ridiculous!


Ten is a ‘Best Of’ tour, with highlights from previous shows. What inspired this idea?

After performing my live one-woman shows for ten years, I then had an Amazon special and a Radio 4 series come out at the beginning of the year. I wanted to re-introduce myself and also reach out to a new audience and I thought this was the best way.


Your shows explore a range of big, often very personal, topics. How did you choose which bits to include in Ten?

I basically went through and picked all the jokes that get requested and then added my favourites. It means Ten’s got a bit of everything but it still feels very like its own show.


Your debut show What Would Beyonce Do?! was a huge hit. Who or what inspires you now?

Like many people, I find it hard to be inspired at the moment because life is so tough. Beyonce aside, I guess as always I'm inspired by regular people who are kind and generous despite going through horrible hardships.


We’re very excited for you to return to Brighton Dome! Have your audiences changed over the last decade?

Ha ha, I love my audiences! A lot of them are people who have grown with me, which is lovely. They then bring their friends, their mums, their lovers, their sisters. It's gorgeous to see. I can't wait to play Brighton Dome!


Catch Luisa Omielan at Brighton Dome on Saturday 26 November for a raw and timeless night out that will make you simultaneously laugh your head off and cry your eyes out. 

Click here to book tickets for Ten.