This Last Tempest
This sequel to The Tempest begins where Shakespeare left off: Caliban and Ariel are alone on the enchanted island, as Prospero’s ship sails over the horizon and out of view. In the hours that follow, the magician’s former servants, the “savage” and the “airy spirit” are free to tell their unheard versions of the story. They use the magic of the words their master taught them to conjure-up their own brave new world, where spirits and monsters are people and inanimate things are alive. They perform a tempest and, as the wild waves roar around them, they begin again together.
Working with composer and musician Neil Johnson, Uninvited Guests fill this strange yet familiar island with guitar noise, evocative sounds and sweet airs. Part theatre, part gig, This Last Tempest draws on the company’s collaborative approach to devised theatre and is a show for both those who know Shakespeare’s play and audiences new to The Tempest.
"Amazing creation for all the senses. Stunning effects. Exciting and moving. Atmospheric." Audience Member
"Wonderful evocative staging; a good imagining of the human condition and thought provoking ending" Audience Member